News - Author: jguettler


December 27, 2024

Congratulations to Argyris Papantonis

Congratulations to Argyris Papantonis, member of our SFB, who has been awarded an Else Kröner Medical Scientist Fellowship. More information about the aim of the fellowship can be found here.

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September 25, 2024

Dennis Wicke receives the prize for the best doctoral thesis of the Göttingen Center for Molecular Biology. Congratulations

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September 25, 2024

Award for the best presentation of SFB member Christoph Elfman at the VAAM conference – Congratulations

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July 17, 2024

Insights into the unique biogenesis of human mitoribosomes

The assembly of human mitoribosomes takes place in modules. This surprising result is the outcome of teamwork by CRC members Ricarda Richter-Dennerlein and Henning Urlaub and the MPI Göttingen. Their study provides a detailed overview of the biogenesis of human mitochondrial ribosomes (mitoribosomes) and shows that the biogenesis of these ribosomes is characterized by the formation of protein modules that are then assembled onto ribosomal RNA.

In addition to this comprehensive roadmap, the study highlights their evolutionary divergence from bacterial and cytosolic counterparts and provides an answer to the question of how the coordination of two genomes might occur.

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July 12, 2024

The SFB is getting a new member

Ricarda Richter-Dennerlein has been accepted as a new member of the SFB1565. With her subproject “The interplay of mitochondrial ribosomes and the quality control machinery during ribosome rescue”, she will bring the whole project a decisive step closer to our goal of research. We are looking forward to welcoming her. A warm welcome!

June 20, 2024

Key Function of Antisense Non-Coding RNA as Gene Expression Booster Discovered

Heike Krebber’s team has discovered a previously unanswered question about the occurrence and function of antisense RNA (asRNA). They found that asRNA acts like a booster and accelerates gene expression, especially when the cell has to react quickly and flexibly to changes in the environment.  This discovery explains for the first time why cells produce large amounts of asRNA.

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June 4, 2024

Poster award for SFB member Manisha Walunj at the annual meeting of the RNA SOCIETY 2024. Congratulations!

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March 1, 2024

High-resolution 3D model of plant RNA polymerase sheds light on photosynthesis

In close collaboration, the team led by Hauke Hillen and Thomas Pfannschmidt has succeeded in creating high-resolution 3D images of the chloroplast copying machine (RNA polymerase PEP) using cryo-electron microscopy.  The detailed structure provides new insights into the function and evolution of this cellular machine, which is crucial for the activation of photosynthetic proteins.

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February 8, 2024

Mechanistic insights into the ubiquitin labeling system.

Sonja Lorenz and other members of the SFB have succeeded for the first time in visualising the mode of action of a ubiquitin ligase in 3D. The ligase binds ubiquitin molecules to proteins and uses this code to determine whether the proteins are incorporated or degraded, thereby regulating numerous processes in the cell.

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January 30, 2024

It is in our genes – and how our genome folds in 3D

The 3D folding of the genome influences which genes are switched on or off. Marieke Oudelaar and Elisa Oberbeckmann have made a decisive methodological advance in understanding how the genome folds. They succeeded in reproducing chromatin from yeast. This made it possible to systematically analyse the folding process and the proteins involved and to decipher the underlying mechanisms. Their work was funded as part of the Collaborative Research Centre “SFB 1565”.

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