Project P17

Dissecting the structural and functional crosstalk of the protein synthesis and UbI-modification machineries


Posttranslational modifications with ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers (Ubls) are pivotal regulators of diverse aspects of gene expression. This project focuses on the interplay of the 80S ribosome with components of the Ubl modification machinery, including cryo-EM analyses of catalytic complexes at the ribosome, in-vitro studies of the mechanism and selectivity of ribosome-associated modifications, and the cell-based identification of the pre-requisites thereof.

Dr. Sonja Lorenz

Principal Investigator

Dr. Sonja Lorenz

Max-Planck-Institut für multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften (MPI-NAT)
Forschungsgruppe – Spezifitätsmechanismen im Ubiquitin-System
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Göttingen

+49 0551 201 1757

Research Group:  English  Deutsch